"Working with Jen is a huge step forward in self-care. She is positive, flexible, and so very supportive. Jen combines deep experience with creative thinking. She provided thoughtful and highly personalized recommendations that addressed my specific challenges. Best of all, I gained insights that I was able to apply immediately -- literally, same day. Thank you, Jen!" ~ June, Larchmont
"Jen’s enthusiasm and knowledge about healthy living is contagious! She encourages us to reframe our view of food, to see it as pleasurable and nourishing, rather than categorically “bad” or “good.” Jen, herself, is as nurturing as the foods she espouses. She is clearly passionate about helping others, and does so with great warmth and humor." ~Juliet, Larchmont
"I was a sugar addict and was finally ready for support. Jen made it easy as she was gentle and met me where I was. Jen helped me understand how toxic processed food is for our health and how addictive sugar is. My most significant success is that I learned to be gentle with myself, so rather than eating food that makes me feel horrible, I've realized I deserve to nourish myself with healing foods to feel better. I love how accepting Jen is! I highly recommend Jen because her holistic approach works!" Corey, Larchmont
"Jen has helped me learn how to make choices that provide nourishment and make me feel happy. This process is completely different than dieting, it isn't about not eating things, it is about becoming aware of what choices I WANT to make because those choices help me feel my best. This is an empowering thing. And, as a mom, I'm grateful to be able to pass on this awareness to my kids."~Kath R., Mamaroneck
"It was a terrific experience working with Jen over the past four months. She will help you define your goals and take specific steps to reach them, and follow-up with detailed information targeted to your own needs and desires. Jen is a tremendous source of up-to-date nutritional information and personal inspiration. Jen helped me refocus my energy on preparing healthy, whole foods for myself and my entire family and introduced me to a range of new products--healthy oils, snacks, roasted seaweed, dried fruits, nuts and other organic items that I never realized would be delicious as well as highly energizing. She also helped me fine-tune my exercise plan and focus on shorter yet more efficient workouts that boost my metabolism. Best of all, Jen has a bright, positive, energizing attitude that is never judgmental or rigid."
~Lori Rotskoff, Larchmont
"Jen is terrific! She took the time to get to know each member of our family and what we were looking to get out of our time with her. She was fantastic with our kids and we all learned a lot. She helped us set reasonable goals that are making a difference, and we had fun along the way!"~Bonnie, Larchmont
"The Sugar Experiment has helped me to avoid emotional eating and I am certainly better at questioning what my body needs rather than what my mind wants! I think The Sugar Experiment has been excellent. The amount of well-researched and supported information Jen and Jean-Marie put together would make a fantastic book!"
~Clare, Australia
"I’ve tried dieting to lose the 20 pounds I’ve been carrying around, but nothing has stuck until The Sugar Experiment. I mean it isn’t a diet - it’s a lifestyle change! After 14 weeks I am at my goal weight, effortlessly losing 20 pounds. I now enjoy the flavors of whole foods, and feel terrific, energized, and empowered!"
~Claudia, Maryland
“I found Jen's daily emails to be chock full of inspiration and helpful ideas for us to stay on track. Her upbeat attitude and lack of judgement made the detox very doable. I could not have gone sugar-free for 10 days without your wonderful support and guidance. Thank you for the tips to help me sustain this practice"
~Ellen Silver, Mamaroneck
“I have done a variety of cleanses and think the Jen Dorf Wellness is the best one yet. Doing a group program is very motivating and helpful. You get guidance and support from wonderful coaches (Jen & Jamie) on eating mindfully and being more aware of when and why you make your food choices. I highly recommend it for anyone needing to re-boot their system and focus on making healthier choices. ~Ruth Bradley, Larchmont ​
"I have always believed that I couldn't meditate because my mind is so busy. Jen's gentle approach shifted my understanding and now after only a few session, I have begun what I feel will become a lifelong, healthy habit. Jen teaches in such a kind, compassionate, non-judgmental way. Even the most skeptical person will benefit from her open heart and wisdom. I feel deeply grateful to Jen for starting me down this path and helping to guide my journey." ~Jen
"I've been meditating on and off for almost two decades, at times for 30 minutes daily, but have been on a break from it for several years. It's something I knew for certain could help me get through craziness, but I have zero willpower and knew I needed structure and guidance. Jen provided both and I am now back on a routine of meditating every other morning. And now I am less reactive and stressed in my day to day life. And Jen's approach is gentle, intelligent and encouraging. She is the perfect voice to turn to right now." ~Amy
"Stressed, anxious, feel like you are going in circles, and can't stick to one thing? Then I highly recommend Jen's Meditation and Mindfulness Training. Her program helped me become more focused and patient. And now, I direct my energies in fulfilling my goals." ~Anne, Larchmont
"I felt stuck and not able to move forward, backward or sideways. I tried many different programs, but never got off that cycle. Then I met Jen. I was desperate to lose those extra pounds that I had managed to gain each year as I approached my 40s. Here is what I learned in my beautiful time with Jen. Slow down, take a breath, take care of yourself, let go of the things I can't control, be honest, be aware. Thank you Jen for putting me back on my path."
~Amy Zolin, Greenwich
"By the end of our first session, I came away with practical ideas of how I could change my lifestyle to regain my energy and decrease the stress in my life. But truly, there is so much more that I have learned in my sessions with Jen. Jen heightened my awareness about eating and living a nourishing and mindful life. I've come to realize that if you're not happy in your life, your body feels it. Jen is a thoughtful and nonjudgmental listener. She has guided me in reaching a place of overall wellness and mindfulness so that I now experience more joy and fulfillment in my life."
~Kathy Zaltas, Rye
"Thank you for the session. It was really informative and I’ve been thinking about it a lot since, which is always a good sign! I’ve been making sure I sit with the kids for their dinner and it’s been wonderful!! They’ve also been doing a lot better with feeding themselves. I think it really was just a plea for my attention. Thanks again. I really appreciate you spreading your wisdom :) "
~Amy Sweeney, Larchmont
"Thank you Jen and Jamie for your support and inspiration. The cleanse has been a valuable journey for me. I'm grateful that you inspired me to engage in this restart. I feel better in the moment and empowered to make better choices in the future. The food was delicious and plentiful which eased the undertaking. My sense of mindfulness was definitely heightened. I recommend the cleanse for anyone interested in increasing their energy and creating more awareness around their eating habits.
~Jill R., New Rochelle
"Jen Dorf is the perfect coach to lead a mindful eating group in a non-threatening approach to sharing thoughts and ideas about the struggles we encounter with lifestyle changes and weight loss challenges. I have had the privilege of knowing her for years and feel she has found her 'calling'. She is a good listener and a natural leader. She is gentle, caring and respectful of each person's story and sensitive to the emotional part this plays for each of our weight loss and life style changes in our journey. Jen is a wealth of wisdom, knowledge and experience. "
~Lucia Gold
"There was a lot of great information and I'm glad I participated in The Sugar Experiment. I'm definitely eating A LOT less sugar and am mindful and intentional when I do. I'm feeling stronger every day, more confident, more energy, calmer, and more content."
~Julie, New York
"The Sugar experiment taught me how to find hidden sugar when reading labels. I thought my daily breakfast of yogurt and granola was a healthy choice until I learned of the added sugar and preservatives! Thank you Jean and Jen for your support, wealth of knowledge and direction to guide me through the 31 days! I was left feeling more energetic and have adapted some new life style changes that focus on my overall well-being."​
~Carol, London
"Jen and Jean Marie were so supportive and I looked forward to the daily emails which gave really helpful information about food, mindfulness and general health. I lost the last elusive five pounds and have kept them off!"​
~Abi, New York
"With all my heart I thank you, Jen and Jean Marie. I’ve become mindful of sugar, although not completely sugar free yet, I am consuming much less sugar added into foods and no actual added sugar in my tea!"
~Chris, Texas